
Friday, February 18, 2005

Types of Kisses

Basic Kisses
French Kiss
An open-mouth kiss usually involving tongue-to-tongue contact. Also known as a Soul kiss.

Butterfly Kiss
To brush one's eyelashes against a partner while rapidly blinking. It produces a light, ticklish sensation, as of a butterfly brushing one's cheek.

Eskimo Kiss
To touch the tips of each other's noses, then rub back and forth.

Thrown Kiss
A long distance kiss that is usually used as a farewell. Not too common anymore. Seen mostly in parades and silent movies. One 'kisses' their hand, then 'throws' the kiss to their distant partner, who usually completes the action by 'catching' the kiss and putting it on their mouth, cheek, or in their pocket. Can be traumatic if you don't warm up your arm.

Blown Kiss
Similar to the thrown kiss, but used at close range when a thrown kiss might be intercepted. One kisses their hand, then 'blows' the kiss toward their partner.

Hand Kiss
This kiss is another member of the thrown-kiss fairly. The only difference is that after the kiss is placed in the hand, it is personally delivered and applied to the other person's face. Although more accurate than either the thrown or blown kiss, it can be hazardous if delivered with a slap.

Make Up Kiss
After having upset your partner, this is the kiss that usually follows the apology. Often among the most passionate of kisses.

Sympathy Kiss
When one of the participants really doesn't want to kiss, but does anyway. Also known as a "pity kiss."

Upside Down Kiss
A kiss performed so that one partner's lips are upside-down to the the other partner, so that their mouths are top lip to bottom lip. This can be a very unusual and enjoyable kiss.

More Fun Kisses
Peaches Kiss
When you say the word peaches, your lips come together for less than a second. Imagine saying this when you kiss - it happens very quickly.

Prunes Kiss
Described as such because the movement of the lips during this kiss roughly approximates that caused by uttering the word prunes. It's Longer than a peaches kiss.

Alfalfa Kiss
Hold your tongue with your fingers and try to say alfalfa - you can't do it. Nor can you perform the alfalfa kiss without using the tongue.

Glass Kiss
This kiss is most commonly used when you are separated by a pane of glass. Oftentimes you are in a hurry and can't roll down the car window, or the sliding door is shut and you don't want to let the cold air in the house. If you are participating in a glass kiss and the other person pulls away to see your pressed lips, blow air into the window and make your checks swell.

Underwater Kiss
Remember wondering what it would be like to kiss underwater? Then you convinced your neighbor to try it with you in the pool, you found out it was no big deal: you can't feel their lips very well, the chlorine hurts your eyes, and you swallow water on your way to the surface. It may be more interesting if you fill the pool with Jell-O.

Noisy Kiss
A kiss that makes noise is not unusual, it's just noisy.

Kiss in the Dark
Kissing in the dark is a problem for those with bad sense of direction, they end up kissing the ear, eye etc.. One way to alleviate this problem is to locate your date's nose, grip it tightly to use as a reference point, and kiss below the hand.


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